Thursday, May 22, 2014

For my brochure, I chose to use elevators as my inspiration. I used the arrows found above the elevators as a symbol to represent the mindset of the ECOMM students. I feel like this brochure, while very simple, really reflects the program. I used many effects to make the arrows and the font glow. I also used different fonts that were out of the ordinary. The background is black because i feel that black makes everything pop more. I designed it so that the viewers eye is drawn towards the left. I created the barcode myself to add a self made portion to the brochure. I also added a satin finish to the ECOMMUNICATIONS logo on the side. I feel like this brochure really attracts attention because the whole elevator idea isn't really something someone would think about. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Recently, the class had to come up with a personal logo that represented us as graphic designers. We were required to make a art board of all of our rough sketches and beginning ideas. We were then told to choose a few of the best and get feed back from the class. After the class told us what they thought, we chose one to stick with. We then added that logo to an artist card and added our information to it. Here is my design.

Logos usually tell a lot about the designer/ company, or they tell a story. For me, my logo doesn't tell my story. I find it hard to put my life story into a logo simply because  my life has been so all over the place. So, i decided to put my mentality into my logo. Higher Plane describes my level of thinking. I feel that the public isn't aware of whats going on behind the scenes. As an enlightened person, I know that a lot of what the media feeds you is just a way of getting you the be too ignorant to see the bigger picture... that there are people running everything and that they have a master plan that is already unfolding. Yes...i'm a conspiracy theorist. 
I do feel like its possible to tell a story, but i feel like the only stories a logo can tell are not so complicated stories.