Thursday, December 12, 2013

Its a known fact that colleges look at your online profiles when deciding if they should except you or not.....but is it okay?? The answer, in my opinion, is no. Yes, its important to wanna know about people, but going on their social media accounts is sort of an invasion of privacy. It think it should be considered illegal.....but thats just my thoughts on that. So.......yea ;)

I also think that instead of colleges looking online for info, they should look at government papers and records. Thats a more legit and not so privacy invading way of finding info.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

In class, we did a personality test. I guess thats what you can call it. I found out a little bit about myself. No lie though......I kinda already knew a lot of that stuff. I found out that i'm a genius. I was really surprised by this but hey.....its whatever ;)

The results also said I'm intuitive. Thats actually true.

The other day, me and my Ecomm class went down to JCCC to visit their museum. It was ok i guess. Im not a big sculpture fan. There was some cool stuff there though. My favorite things were the pottery and the big dog tag dress. The dog tag dress was done by Do Ho Suh. He was born in Seoul, South Korea in 1962. After earning his Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Fine Arts in Oriental Painting from Seoul National University, and fulfilling his term of mandatory service in the South Korean military, Suh relocated to the United States to continue his studies at the Rhode Island School of Design and Yale University.Suh leads an itinerant life, hopping from his family home in Seoul (where his father is a major influence in Korean traditional painting) to his working life in New York. Migration, both spatial and psychological, has been one of Suh's themes, manifested through biographical narrative and emotionally inflected architecture. Best known for his intricate sculptures that defy conventional notions of scale and site-specificity, Suh's work draws attention to the ways viewers occupy and inhabit public space. Interested in the malleability of space in both its physical and metaphorical manifestations, Suh constructs site-specific installations that question the boundaries of identity. His work explores the relation between individuality, collectivity, and anonymity.

Logos vs Graffiti

Both Logos and Graffiti are seen everywhere. They both represent something or they send a message to the viewer. However, while both do the same job.....only one is excepted by society.

Logos are excepted by everyone because they are attractive to the eye and unlike graffiti, they don't destroy property. They are normally seen on billboards and places that everyone looks at.

Graffiti is different. Its usually found in the inner city in "the slums" or "the ghetto". While graffiti is cool looking, people are complaining about it destroying property. It has become illegal in some parts of the country, but people still do it. And its not because they like breaking the law, but its because graffiti is a art form and its a way to express feelings and thoughts.